Jumat, 22 Januari 2010

Stop Animal Testing!!

Did you know that there are hundreds of agencies around the world spending your money shoving dogs into metal chambers and pumping in pesticides while the animals try in vain to escape the deadly poisons?
Or that researchers still swab burning chemicals into rabbits eyes and onto their shaved skin? Animals are routinely cut open, poisoned, and forced to live in barren steel cages for years, although studies show that because of vast physiological variations between species, human reactions to illnesses and drugs are completely different from those of other animals.

Today's non-animal research methods are humane, more accurate, less expensive, and less time-consuming than animal experiments, yet change comes slowly and many researchers are unwilling to switch to superior technological advances. Animal experimentation not only is preventing us from learning more relevant information, it continues to harm and kill animals and people every year. Hundreds of thousands of these animals are poisoned, blinded, and killed every year in outdated product tests for shampoos, household cleaners, cosmetics, hairspray, and other personal care and household items.

Although more than 500 companies have banned all animal tests forever, some corporations still force substances into animals stomachs and drip chemicals into rabbits eyes. These tests are not required by law, and they often produce inaccurate or misleading results even if a product has blinded an animal, it can still be marketed to you. Animals deserve rights, regardless of how they taste or how convenient it is to experiment on them. Like humans, animals are capable of suffering and have an interest in leading their own lives.
These animals do not have a voice to speak out and stop this.
WE DO!!!!!!!!

Just because a label on a product says "This finished product was not tested on animals" does not mean they did not test on animals at all. The "finished" part is very sneaky...this means a lot of times that they tested on animals for every step up to the final or "finished" product. Be very careful when it comes to this!

Most of the products listed in the following list,
are physically tested on animals:

...think before you buy something that is going to fund animal testing !!

Animal Voice

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